Wednesday, 13 October 2010


Hi all,

My name is Jonathan and yes I'm from Scotland and a Warhammer Fantasy enthusiast. I have been wargaming since the late 1990's. Other than WHF, i have been playing Games Workshop developed games such as Mordheim, 40K and LOTR. Currently i have been impressed with Warmachine/Hordes gaming system and I hope to learn more about this in the future.

About me
I work full time in Human Resources for Local Government. I am newly married to my lovely wife Louise (who puts up with my wargaming) My hobbies include wargaming, Football and cooking.

About the blog!
By creating this blog i hope to keep a network of wargaming friends, show my work, review clubs I attend and events and painting guides alongside battle reports of games I have participated in. My aim is to produce at least 1 blog per week.

The Future

If all goes well, I'm hoping to have a Youtube subscription service and produce videos about my hobby on a weekly basis.